Fang Yiqin
Summer is lightsome, the wind of summer is warm warm.
Summer arrived. Middleaged today after I eat a meal, I went Eden of small bee composition learns a composition. To the 2nd station when, the teacher gives us lot of a few stone a few idiom. I thought up a term later, namely " competence, " I do one horizontal stroke with a very long stone first, next reoccupy two round stone, one is put in horizontal above, next a stone puts reoccupy in the horizontal stroke below should stand, regard two round stone as finally the one horizontal stroke below this word. I and Guo Zhongqin pile get a word together. I see Tang Weijie piled " burning sun high above in the sky " and " cloudless " , the teacher helped me take a picture, also helped Tang Weijie take a picture. We went out to play later, see Luo Wen Jie and teacher are clearing away stone only! Finally, the teacher still praised Luo Wen Jie. The teacher still praised Zhong Jiaming and Luo Shiding, say: "They are originality king. "They are originality king..
Summer is really beautiful! Summer is really happy!
Judge: The movement is not easy really it is clear to write, but you are written pretty is well.
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